Chiropractors and health practitioners use a variety of diagnostic tests to help identify the specific nature of musculoskeletal injury or condition. Orthopedic tests aid to identify specific conditions and diagnosis.

This section has a variety of common orthopedic tests, how they are performed, what they indicate when positive and the potential diagnosis as a result. Corresponding codes for ICD9 and ICD10 are displayed for each test.

They are listed by body region as well as alphabetic list below.

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Head Shoulder Sacroiliac Hip and Thigh Knee Ankle Foot Cervical Spine Thoracic Spine Lumbosacral Spine Elbow and Forearm Wrist Hand
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Spurling's Test

Orthopedic Test Spurling's Test
Method With the subject seated in an upright position, the examiner rests both hands on the top of the subjects head and applies a downward pressure while the subject laterally flexes the head. When the subjectâ??s head is in maximum rotation and flexion, the examiner delivers a vertical blow to the top of the head. The test is repeated with the subject laterally flexing to the opposite side. A reporting of pain into the upper extremity toward the same side that the head is laterally flexed is a positive sign and indicates pressure on a nerve root which can be correlated by dermatomal distribution of pain.
Diagnosis Indication Brachial plexus disorder (lesions) Cervical rib syndrome. Costoclavicular syndrome. Scalenus Anticus syndrome
ICD9 353.0
ICD10 G54.0
Orthopedic Test Spurling's Test
Method With the subject seated in an upright position, the examiner rests both hands on the top of the subjects head and applies a downward pressure while the subject laterally flexes the head. When the subjectâ??s head is in maximum rotation and flexion, the examiner delivers a vertical blow to the top of the head. The test is repeated with the subject laterally flexing to the opposite side. A reporting of pain into the upper extremity toward the same side that the head is laterally flexed is a positive sign and indicates pressure on a nerve root which can be correlated by dermatomal distribution of pain.
Diagnosis Indication Cervical nerve root lesion
ICD9 353.2
ICD10 G54.2
Orthopedic Test Spurling's Test
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Diagnosis Indication  
Orthopedic Test Spurling's Test
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Diagnosis Indication  
Orthopedic Test Spurling's Test
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Diagnosis Indication